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Animals, People, & the Earth

Home Healer: Healthy Eyes for Cats and Dogs

Is there anything that makes your heart happier than looking into your pet’s loving eyes and knowing they see only the best you? But our animal’s eyes can have problems just like ours can, so its important to keep their eyes healthy. Keep your furry friend lovingly seeing you for years with these tips:

Regular Check-ups

Bringing your pet to your veterinarian for regular wellness checks is vital to his or her overall health, including eye health. Your veterinarian can detect any changes in eye health over time with regular visits. If you notice your pet showing any of the following symptoms of an eye infection, visit your veterinarian right away, as eye trouble can progress quickly: pawing at an eye, watery or thick discharge, swelling or redness, squinting or blinking, light sensitivity or holding the eye closed (akc.com).


While aging will cause some loss of vision in all of us, even our beloved pets, the best way to keep your pet’s eyes free from vision loss due to infection or foreign objects is to prevent them getting sick or hurt in the first place. You can protect against infection and foreign objects by avoiding letting them hold their heads out the window of a moving car, keeping the hair around their eyes trimmed, and cleaning their eyes regularly. For cleaning, use a soft washcloth soaked in warm water or Earthbath Eye Wipes, a convenient, hypo-allergenic, and fragrance-free way to keep the area around your pet’s eyes moist and clean.


Healthy eyes require a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamins A, D, and the antioxidant, Vitamin E. Make sure your pet’s food contains all-natural ingredients that provide these.

Consider supplementing

Particularly if your pet is getting older, consider adding supplements to increase your companion’s intake of eye healthy vitamins and minerals. The herb Eyebright, commonly found in the Pacific Northwest and available at your local health food store, is a good option. You may also want to try Earth Animal’s Vital Eye, a daily supplement given orally to support healthy eye function in dogs and cats of all ages.

Try Juicing

DIY eye strengthening juice by blending organic carrots and apples for a vitamin packed treat.

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