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Our People

We believe that even though we’re a small company, each and every one of us has the power to make a major impact on the world, especially when we work together.”

Earth Animal co-founder Susan Goldstein.
earth animal people at tradeshow

Our community extends beyond our family and out into the world where we get involved by volunteering, offering support and resources, and giving back to the world we love so much.

We support our EA Pack with amazing benefits (like 90-100% employer-covered health insurance and DOGS IN THE OFFICE!) Our team volunteers with organizations like the Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary, the Connecticut Foodshare, and Defy Ventures. We invest money and products to amazing NGO’s like Waggle, StreetVet, and Guiding Eyes for the Blind.

Earth Animal wouldn’t be the company we are today without support from our community, and we want to keep sharing that support with our communities.

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