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Animals, People, & the Earth

Home Healer: Skin Allergies

Cats and dogs can have allergies just like people.

The most common causes of allergies in our pets are fleas, environment, food, and medication (petmd.com). Just as in people, environmental allergens for our pets include pollen, mold, dust, and animal dander. And, just as in people, our animals can have allergic reactions to their food or medications. True allergic reactions show up as skin conditions, whereas sensitivities to foods or medications bring about gastrointestinal symptoms (petmd.com). This is an important distinction for treating the underlying cause of your pet’s discomfort. Symptoms of skin allergies include itching, scratching, and licking the offending area (petmd.com). If you and your veterinarian determine that your furry companion has an allergy, try these tips for easing your pet’s symptoms.


Fatty acids lead the way to healthy skin, so be sure to include these in your pet’s diet. Flax seed oil is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon oil contains the anti-inflammatory fatty acids DHA and EPA. Consider using Earth Animal’s Omega Oil, which contains a nutrient -rich blend of both Wild Salmon and Flax Oils, as a daily addition to your pet’s food to aid with healthy skin and provide the additional benefits of supporting cellular function and heart and joint health. Additionally, consider including Vitamin B6, a natural antihistamine, the flavonoid Quercetin, an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory, and Zinc, an essential healthy skin mineral in your pet’s diet.


Once your veterinarian determines the sources of your pet’s allergies through testing and/or elimination diets, you can then help your pet avoid allergic triggers. You may have to change food, alter or stop medications, or limit outside time at certain points in the year. Giving your pet a cool water bath with an anti-itch shampoo may also help (petmd.com). If your pet is determined to be suffering from seasonal allergies, try Earth Animal’s Allergy & Skin Daily Allergy Protection. An organic herbal blend administered orally, it aids in calming skin irritations caused by environmental allergies or insect bites. For spot treatment of irritated dog skin, consider Vet’s Best Hot Spot Spray. This natural formula helps immediately relieve hot spots on dogs.

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