Frequently Asked
Wisdom FAQ
1. Who formulated Wisdom Dog Food?
Wisdom was formulated by a team of veterinarians, animal nutritionists and food scientists, all experienced in the area of nutrition for dogs and cats. Headed by Dr Bob Goldstein, a practicing holistic veterinarian for over 40 years, this scientific team oversees each step of crafting Wisdom dog food.
2. Where is Wisdom Dog Food made?
Wisdom Is made at Riverstone, our very own craftery located In Maryland, USA. Owning our own manufacturing affords us the ability to be part of and oversee the sourcing of our Ingredients. This visibilty allows us to have transparency In our supply chain ; something that Is not always achieveable when product manufacturing is outsourced or third party contracted.
3. What does GAP certification mean?
GAP stands for Global Animal Parternership. The GAP program is one of the largest animal welfare food labeling programs in North America. The program is validated by third party audits conducted on every participating farm in order to influence the food industry, raise consumer expectations around animal welfare, and create a more sustainable environment.
The GAP program defines animal welfare as three overlapping components that together with good management and genetics, contribute to good farm animal welfare:
- Health and Productivity
- Natural Living
- Emotional Well-Being
To learn more about the GAP program and find more GAP rated products, please visit www.
4. Where are the ingredients in Wisdom Dog Food sourced?
The Ingredients that make up the Wisdom dog food are carefully sourced from trusted suppliers that meet our mandated food safety, animal welfare and sustainability requirements.
95% of the Wisdom ingredients come from North America with the remaining 5% sourced as follows::
2.4% from Europe
1.2% from Caribbean Sea
0.7% from Asia
0.5% from South America.
We do not source any ingredients from China.