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Animals, People, & the Earth

Holiday Parties and Your Pet

With the weather turning colder and the shops filling with pumpkins, our thoughts turn to Fall and Winter holiday celebrations and all the parties we may be hosting and attending from Halloween to New Year. It certainly is a festive time of year, but how does your animal companion feel about all the excitement? What should you be aware of going into holiday party season to ensure that your animal stays safe and comfortable?

While we may enjoy all the holiday celebrations, for our animals, the change in routine and loud sounds of frivolity can seem more like chaos than fun. If you are hosting a party, be sure to set up an escape proof quiet room for your animal where he or she can be alone to rest as needed (aspca.org). Your animal may choose to hide out in this space throughout the evening, and that’s fine. Just peek in every now and then to make sure all is well. You may want to consider administering Earth Animal’s Calm Down or our Nature’s Comfort Zen Pen or Zen Tabs before the festivities begin to help ease your animal’s anxiety and help them feel calm and comfortable throughout the party.

Also, if you are having guests over, make sure that they know what is and is not safe food for your animal. Most human food is not the healthiest choice for animals, and some is outright toxic, so be sure to keep an eye out for food that gets dropped or offered to your animal. And as the ASPCA reminds us, keep your animal companion away from unattended tables and trash cans, where your animal may find his or her way to sweets, fatty foods, spicy foods, bones, or cocktails that could cause serious health problems.

Finally, if you are spending much more time than usual away from home attending parties, consider hiring an experienced and highly recommended caretaker to be with your animal while you are away to keep him or her from getting lonely and stressed. And, of course, be sure to give lots of extra attention and cuddles when you return.

dog with pumpkins
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