
Be Thankful and Safe This Thanksgiving

Be Thankful and Safe This Thanksgiving

You’ve brined the turkey, chilled the wine, baked the pies, and polished the silver. You even managed to not burn the dinner rolls. You’ve remembered everything you need to host a memorable Thanksgiving, so don’t forget to keep things safe for your animal companion. Follow these tips to ensure that everyone enjoys a fun, festive, and thankful Thanksgiving.

• Not sharing is caring. We aren’t telling you anything new when we remind you that not all human food should be shared with animals. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, it is vital to keep your animal companion away from onions, raisins, and grapes, which can be toxic, and to avoid sharing the turkey with your furry friend. Surprisingly, even eating just a little turkey or turkey skin can result in pancreatitis, which can be life-threatening. Also, be sure to keep all pies, doughs, and other sweet treats where your animal companion can’t reach to avoid health issues ranging from gastrointestinal upset to toxicity.

• Mind the trash. Put all food waste in trash bags, tie them tight,and put them in a locking trash can or in a secured outdoor bin. Dogs especially will find a way to get to that delicious smelling turkey carcass,but the bones or twine and other wrapping can be deadly if ingested (avma.org).

• Consider the flowers. When decorating, remember that there area number of flowers and plants, as well as decorative materials, that are toxic to animals. Amaryllis, baby’s breath, and hydrangeas are just a few of the plant species that can be deadly if ingested by cats or dogs (avma.org). When selecting flowers for your Thanksgiving table, keep your animal companion in mind and find choices that are safe or, at least, make sure that your animal stays away.

• Separate for safety. Often animals become anxious from all the excitement of a Thanksgiving at home. More people mean more noise and more noise can mean more nerves. It may make your animal feel better to be placed in a separate,quiet space or in a crate away from the festivities where they can be calm (avma.org). This separation may help anxious guests, as well, particularly if you have a so-called exotic animal that visitors may not be used to interacting with or if any of your guests are afraid of dogs or cats (avma.org).

• Don’t get lost. Check and re-check all means of escape your animal may have access to (open doors, broken window screens, etc.) to ensure that your anxious animal will not be able to run away. Also, be sure to keep your animal tagged and chipped so that you can be reunited if necessary (aspca.org).

• Treat your best friend to the best chew. Earth Animal’s No-Hide® Wholesome Chews are an all-natural, hand-rolled rawhide alternative, containing no chemicals, additives, bleaches, or formaldehydes. Treat your animal companion to our special holiday chew, The Feast, with flavors of turkey, cranberry,and pumpkin and he or she can safely enjoy the taste of Thanksgiving dinner with you.

So, go ahead and host the perfect Thanksgiving. Just be sure to remember your animal companion’s safety needs to keep the holiday happy for everyone. Be Thankful and Safe This Thanksgiving

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