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Animals, People, & the Earth

Is My Cat Sick?

Is your normally happy and healthy feline friend suddenly scratching, coughing, or vomiting? While you can’t know the cause for sure without a trip to your veterinarian, the culprit may be allergies. Fairly common in cats, environmental, flea and food allergies can cause your kitty to suffer unpleasant symptoms, from wheezing to paw chewing to diarrhea (pethealthnetwork.com).

Cats allergic to fleas or environmental triggers, such as pollen, grass, mold, perfumes, and household cleaners, typically have itchy/watery eyes, will cough and sneeze, and will exhibit signs of allergic dermatitis, a condition which causes itchy, irritated skin (pethealthnetwork.com). If your cat is scratching excessively, has unexplained red bumps on his or her skin, is snoring, or chewing and licking at his or her paws, then he or she may be suffering from environmental allergies.

Food allergies tend to result in gastrointestinal upset, which manifests as vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and/or lethargy. Your cat may be allergic to an ingredient in his or her food, or he or she may have accidentally ingested an allergen.

If your cat exhibits any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your veterinarian to get checked. Your veterinarian will do an exam and run tests to rule out other potential causes of your kitty’s suffering before testing for allergies. If allergies are suspected, your veterinarian will do blood tests and possibly a food elimination diet to determine which foods are causing your animal’s discomfort (pethealthnetwork.com).

Once your cat is diagnosed with allergies, there are a few things you can do to ease the symptoms. First and foremost, you’ll want to remove the allergy sources from your cat’s environment as much as possible. If it’s a food allergy, you’ll want to change your cat’s food and possibly make the food yourself (pethealthnetwork.com). Environmental triggers may be harder to control, but you can limit exposure to things like pollen and perfumes, bathe your cat more frequently, and use a quality flea and tick treatment to help avoid the allergens making your cat sick (pethealthnetwork.com). Earth Animal’s Nature’s Protection line offers several products to protect your cat from fleas and ticks naturally.

Earth Animal also offers several other products to ease your cat’s suffering. Earth Animal’s Allergy & Skin is an herbal blend designed to soothe symptoms of allergic dermatitis. Cough, Wheeze, and Sneeze is an all-natural way to help your cat feel better from environmental allergies. And Daily Health Nuggets for Cats is an all-natural daily health supplement that helps give your cat’s immune system a super boost.

So, if your cat starts exhibiting any of the above symptoms, it may be allergies. Call your veterinarian for an appointment to find out for sure, then visit Earth Animal for some all-natural products that can help your cat feel better fast.

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