
How NinaMarie Changed Shiloh’s Life

Shiloh, rescued by NinaMarie Savarino, Customer Satisfaction Specialist

Celebrating Change a Pet’s Life Day – all week long!

Every day this week, we will be sharing stories of how our Earth Animal pack has changed a pet’s life – and been changed themselves. We are passionate about preserving and enhancing the quality of life for animals and our team lives that commitment every day in their own lives. As you read our stories, we hope that you are reminded of the magic that comes from adopting an animal, and the beautiful bond we share with our best friends.

Shiloh’s Story

In December of 2016 I was living with my (now) husband, Austin in Miami and starting a new job at D.O.G.; A Daycare, Overnight, and Grooming Facility in Wynwood FL. It was there that I met Shiloh, a senior beagle with lots to love deep down inside her.

Shiloh was found in October of 2016 wandering the streets during a hurricane and taken into the custody of the manager at D.O.G. There, she stayed all day every day, sleeping in one of the boarding rooms every night, eating only what was left from other dogs not eating all of their food. She was a grumpy old lady who didn’t want to play with any other dogs, she just wanted to sleep. When I met Shiloh, I instantly fell in love. I started taking her on walks outside during my lunch breaks. Then I would start taking her to the local restaurants after work and returning her back into her boarding room late at night. It wasn’t until June that I finally took her home and said, “Surprise, Austin! We have a dog now!”

After 3 more years living in the Miami heat, Shiloh showed us just how much love she had inside her. We, unfortunately, battled with heartworm, cysts and tumors, open stitches, and even bladder problems. But we never gave up on that girl. In May of 2019, we moved to Connecticut with Shiloh. That November we were able to give her a house with a yard she could truly get lost in (about a half-acre). We were blessed with 2 more years of that grumpy girl before we welcomed a new dog, little Cannoli into our lives (who she was not a fan of). In March of 2021, we had to put Shiloh down due to a very low quality of life. We were deeply saddened but we knew it was time as she was unable to stand for more than 5 seconds, she went potty in the house with no control over her bladder, and at that point had gone almost completely deaf and blind. She would almost always bump her head on the walls because she couldn’t see 6 inches in front of her.

But here’s the interesting part: Last September I saw a medium. I asked her if Shiloh was still around, and she said she was! She also said that Shiloh thanks me for everything I did for her. She is indebted to us for taking care of her. She said she’s in heaven now, but Shiloh felt like when we took her in, she was in heaven then.

I will forever be grateful for owning such a grumpy, old lady. And I will forever miss her. I didn’t only change her life, but she changed mine.

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